Saturday, September 20, 2008

Globalization, Multinationals, and Sovereign Wealth Funds

Just sharing some concerns about the path the world is on relative to Multinational Corporations and Sovereign Wealth Funds. For those of you don't know about Multinationals, there is a growing number of large corporations that describe themselves as "without nationality" (for more information just Google it!). They are global corporations that leverage their ability to source goods and services from the most efficient places on the planet. They are a significant component of the globalization of the economy. We are also seeing the the growing prominence of Sovereign Wealth Funds (Google them too, if needed). In the possible "fire sale" of assets that could be coming as a result of the current economic crisis, SWFs could end up with a very significant share. Has anyone thought about the possible ramifications of this? So far, SWFs have not imposed their wills on the companies in which they invest, however, this could change. Multinationals effectively blur the economic borders of physical countries. SWF currently have little transparency. Could a situation arise where all the wealth we're transferring to the middle east could come to haunt us through "globalization"? Could anti-American-backed SWFs put America at an economic disadvantage through accelerated outsourcing or other means? On the other hand, could concerns such as those expressed here spark protectionism here (and in other countries) that could also impact the global economy? I don't pretend to have the answers, but I hope someone other than me is asking these questions!

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